BlueMMOGlobal Co.
Book the world's top professional KOL marketing
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Our store has re-opened for shopping,9:00 AM – 6:30 PM (EST) (Monday – Friday)
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KOLs Gender: —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleOthers
Number of KOLS followers —Please choose an option—<20K Followers20-50k FollowersOver 50K Followers
KOLs Content Age Group: —Please choose an option—Gen Z (16 - 24 years old)Millennials (25 - 34 years old)Mature Millennials (35 - 44 years old)Gen X (45 - 54 years old)55+ (Boomers & Beyond)
Social Media Platforms do you want KOLs to produce content on?: —Please choose an option—TiktokYoutubeFacebookX